Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Progress Day 210

Fitness update: after working out at home this whole time I've recently joined a gym and started weightlifting. Down 6lbs this past month #FIT

Day 210- August 26
193 lbs
31” waist
40.5” hips
24” thighs
13” upper arms
33.5” under bust

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sweet Cakes

Another veggetti meal! Sweet potato cakes, shred sweet potato (this is from one small one), add in one egg for sticking power and season as you like. Form cakes/patties with hand and fry in about half an inch of oil. It's so quick! #FOODIE

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Veggetti for the win

Veggetti... Get you one! Turn everything into pasta... Squash, zucchini (most popular), eggplant also you could make sweet potato shoe string fries or hash browns as opposed to the standard. Picked up this one from Ross for ten bucks, and wound up making squashetti. #FOODIE

Monday, August 4, 2014


Been doing a lot of reading about food lately (of course), and have come across the word, "foodways", several times.  My first thought is... foodways (insert more ellipses and question mark).  Don't bother yourself heading over to dictionary.com, (it's not there).  Foodways is actually a term used to describe the cultural, social and economic practices relating to the production and consumption of food. Foodways often refers to the intersection of food in culture, traditions, and history. (From Wikipedia, oooh someone that works in the library system used wikipedia as a source? :O). I actually came across this term in my most recent read, "Afro-Vegan" by Bryant Terry.  In his book, Terry shouts out another thing I was unfamiliar to, an African Heritage Diet Pyramid, created by a nonprofit organization I also had no idea about called, Oldways.  Turns out Oldways is an organization all about guiding people to good health through heritage.  There are many different legs of the organization, including their African Heritage & Health program, whose mission is: to improve the health of the African-American community, Oldways celebrates the pleasures, culture and healthfulness of African heritage diets and foods.  Here is a picture of the African Heritage Diet Pyramid, but their website has loads of cool information, I even learned there is an African Heritage & Health Week!! but don't take my word for it, go on over to this amazing organization's site: http://oldwayspt.org/programs/african-heritage-health  #FOODIE

With all of your might

In better living out my purpose, I'm striving to devote more time to this blog and all who it may reach.  I want to return to the purpose of this blog which is sharing my purpose and why I am here with you... to encourage, uplift, and strengthen through just being me and also sharing tidbits of God's word and His love that He and others' have shared with me to help with this thing we call life.

Ecclesiastes 9:10New International Version (NIV)

10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.

"The substance of one's life cannot be measured by the quality of which they lived.  Arouse yourself to the urgency of now.  There is still work to do.  Don't let your fear of failure stop you from your future.  Fear asks what if, Faith says as if." #FREE