Saturday, April 12, 2014

No mas pantalones

Y'all know that Progressive commercial where the two competing insurance guys lie about what they can do compared to Progressive and their pants catch on fire up to their draws and the one guy says, "no mas pantalones"? Hahahaha I know I'm not the only one who knows it.

Well lately I've been saying no mas pantalones, because the ones I have are getting to big for me to wear (I guess that's backwards?. Perhaps I should say I'm getting to small for the pants?) I digress, I did a little perusing and decided to try on this pair I found on the clearance rack in New York & Company. I picked up a size 14 & 12 not knowing what size I am right now. I tried on the 12 first and surprisingly not only did it fit, but it was a little roomy in the waist. Some have problems getting pants to fit their booty (well thats never been the case for me I don't have much of one -_-, that's why I always make sure to do my squats lol). For me the battle has always been getting pants past my thunder thighs lol. Usually if I could get them passed my legs they would fit, I guess that's still the case even after beginning to lose weight. I find my smaller/tighter fitting clothes like jeans and skinny pants I can still wear, because my legs fill them up I just buckle my belt a couple extra holes to keep the waist part in. That being said I didn't buy these particular pants any way, because they were too short. Le sigh, the struggle is real #tallgirlproblems. However I did get 3 pairs of pants, 1 from Wet Seal, and 2 from Rainbow; all long enough... Yes!! #FIT 

Size 12 pants from NY & Company that I couldn't get.
Why my job has rules against capris/cropped pants/ankle
pants, I have no idea.
P.S. I've hidden the scale from myself... well I didn't really hide it, I know where it is because I'm the one who put it there duh lol, but it was in my bathroom... such a frequented place.  I would hop on that thing morning and night just because it was there.  So I've moved it to a more inconvenient place that way I won't become so attached to it and also so I won't break it lol.

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