Everybody has to have goals right? Well today I wrote down some concerning this weight loss journey. When I first started out, my goal was to lose 70lbs bringing me down to 170lbs. Why that number?... It sounded nice? lol. Well actually according to BMI (body mass index) measurements that weight would bring me right at the top of the "normal weight" range for someone of my height. Although, the more I learn and see more inspirational people of this fitness life (on Instagram, p.s. if you have an IG and want weightloss transformation inspiration follow @weightlossbeforeafterpictures, @a_naked_person_just <<< this lil 16 y/o girl is a beast!) I learn there is no such thing as "normal". Plus in just a little under 2 months I've almost worked my way out of the obese range... just plain overweight here I come! lol. There are many people that weigh more than they appear, because of their muscle mass. These people are not thin or skinny, they're lean and toned... that's what I want to be!! Below you'll find some goals I jotted down earlier today.

I decided that instead of 70 lbs, I would like to lose 50lbs. Then if I want to lose more, I will! Otherwise I'll be chillin in the cut... maintaining of course! My timeframe for my 50lbs? I'm pushing for 120 days (4 months) from my starting point (01.29.14). That being said, I've given myself a midway goal of 25lbs loss in 60 Days. Day 60 is quickly approaching (this Saturday 03.29.14), but I'm already down 22lbs, so I figure I've got 5 days I can do it!!!! My in between (90 Day) goal is to be under the 200lb mark, no specific weight just under 200lbs... so yes 199.9 counts lol. My last goal (for now) is for clothing size, right now I'll say hmmmm.... a 9/10... "she had 9/10 pants and a very big bra" (remember those lyrics from Biz Markie's "Just a Friend" HA!). A little over a week ago I was window shopping, once again. While trying on clothes at JCPenney I did fit these size 12 shorts, although I do think they were probably cut big, because I tried on some 12s at H&M and them pants was like nah bruh, but I did fit in the size 13/14 pants at Penney's and Old Navy (FYI: I was a 16 before). So I figured 9/10 is an attainable goal for two months from now. We shall see...
**DISCLAIMER: don't get caught up too much in numbers, this is just a way of motivating/challenging myself and making it fun. Don't ever get discouraged or down about not meeting certain goals. Remember? marathon, not sprint.**
After all, look at my girl Anowa Adjah. She's 213 lbs, wears a size 10/12 and looks like this....